Beyond Ktaadn
Citizen Science
Eastern Alpine Guide
Who We Are
Selected Reports and Publications
Sperduto, D.D., M.T. Jones, and L.L. Willey. 2018.
Decline of
Sibbaldia procumbens
(Rosaceae) on Mount Washington, White Mountains, NH, USA.
Rhodora 120(981: 65–75.
Rykken, Jessica. 2015.
Alpine arthropods on the Uapishka Plateau, Quebec: documenting patterns of biodiversity and developing protocols for rapid assessment.
Report for Beyond Ktaadn and the Waterman Fund. 41 pp.
Capers, R.S., K.D. Kimball, K.P. McFarland, M.T. Jones, A.H. Lloyd, J.S. Munroe, G. Fortin, C. Mattrick, J. Goren, D.D. Sperduto, and R. Paradis. 2013.
Establishing alpine research priorities in Northeastern North America.
Northeastern Naturalist 20(4): 559–577.
Johnson, L.M., L.L. Willey, M.T. Jones, and F. Sangermano. 2012.
Predicting core reproductive habitat for wolverine (
Gulo gulo
) in Québec, Canada using a GIS-based deductive modeling approach.
Report to MRNF and MDDEP, Province of Québec. 28 pp.
Willey, L.L., and M.T. Jones. 2012.
Site characteristics for
Sibbaldia procumbens
(Rosaceae) on the Uapishka Plateau (Month Groulx), Québec, with notes on the alpine flora.
Rhodora 114(957): 21–30.
Jones, M.T., and L.L. Willey. 2012.
Ten Peaks in the Eastern Alpine Zone: A List of Great Mountains Expands Old Ideas of Boundaries.
Appalachia 61:1.
Citizen Science
Eastern Alpine Guide
Who We Are